2017/18 Q2 Digital Images "Film Titles"
Title | Member | Score |
Iron Man | John Nield | 10 |
The Matrix | Brian Marcer | 9.5 |
Clockwork Orange | Mike Moore | 9 |
Cassa Blanca | Rachel Farrow | 9 |
Italian Job | Ray Westfield | 9 |
Listening | Chris Owen | 8.5 |
Jurassic Park | Dean Sayer | 8.5 |
Frozen | Kevin Osborn | 8.5 |
Carry On Sergeant | Ray Woolcock | 8.5 |
Fast and Furious | Richard Powell | 8.5 |
The Merchant of Venice | Sarah Toon | 8.5 |
Love Actually | Trevor Fiddy | 8.5 |
The Rock | Estelle Buller | 8 |
Breaking The Waves | Graham Morris | 8 |
Edward Scissorhands | Janet Carman | 7.5 |
Gone With The Wind | John Tallowin | 7.5 |
Long Short and The Tall | Liz Fiddy | 7.5 |
The Birds | Michael Ottaway | 7.5 |
Does This Mean We Are Married | Peter Boney | 7.5 |
Under The Blossoming Cherry Trees | Belinda Roll | 7 |
Jurassic Park | Bob Whitbread | 7 |