2017/18 Q3 Digital Images "Scale / Scales"
Member | Surname | Title | Score |
Rachel | Farrow | All To Scale | 7.5 |
Janet | Carman | Scales | 9.5 |
John | Nield | Its All About Scale | 7.5 |
Brian | Marcer | Towering Above | 8 |
John | Tallowin | Oh Dear | 7.5 |
Graham | Morris | Silver Darling | 9 |
Kevin | Osborne | Catch of The Day | 8.5 |
Ray | Woolcock | Lake District Map , Scale 1'' to 1 Mile | 6 |
Mike | Moore | Fish | 7.5 |
Michael | Ottaway | Snappy | 7.5 |
Chis | Owen | Big House in Little Bubble | 8 |
John | Riggott | Toms in The Balance | 8.5 |
Peter | Boney | Scale 8 to 19 | 7 |
Ray | Westfield | Scales | 8.5 |
Trevor | Fiddy | My Little Friend | 7.5 |
Estelle | Buller | Small on A Universal Scale | 10 |
Richard | Powell | Fruit Scales | 8 |
Belinda | Roll | Shrink To Fit | 9 |
Liz | Fiddy | Of Course Dear, Just Don't Let Go | 8 |
Geoffrey | Hamilton | Small Scale Shadows | 8 |
Dean | Sayer | Sugar Crystals or Bricks | 10 |