2022/23 Q3 Open Comp (Digital)
Name | Title | Score | Title | Score |
Rachel Farrow | Hard Labour | 8 | That Feels Good | 7 |
Martin Johns | Rose Hip | 10 | Moss After Rain | 9 |
Paul Heinrich | Street Urchin | 9.5 | Fading Light, Monterey Bay | 7.5 |
Chris Owen | Sunrise at Mundlesley | 10 | Go With The Flow | 8.5 |
Brian Marcer | Abstract Stairs | 8 | Guildhall Yard | 10 |
Trevor Fiddy | High Tide at Cromer | 10 | Breakwater at Cart Gap | 8 |
Liz Fiddy | Black Shuck Keeping Watch | 6.5 | Double Vision | 9 |